[WikiEN-l] disputing block:, lysdexia

Matt Brown morven at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 19:20:53 UTC 2005

On 11/8/05, Autymn D. C. <lysdexia at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I consider many possibilities beforehand. They were and are provably
> wrong.

Then PROVE them wrong. You don't do so - instead, you merely state that you
are right and others wrong, and insist that everyone else is too stupid to
understand the right anyway.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. You insist that your
grammatical usage is correct and everyone else's wrong - not just the
Wikipedia editors you are personally dealing with, but the overwhelming
majority of users of the English language. That is, to my mind, an
extraordinary claim.

Anyway, I've already proven my cases in the talk pages.

I cannot see such a proof, merely, again, an assertion, and insults.

I had no bad grammar, so this question is meaningless. I still left a
> note.

Once more, assertion, not proof.

-Matt (User:Morven)

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