[WikiEN-l] Re: Announcing a policy proposal

Richard Rabinowitz rickyrab at eden.rutgers.edu
Thu May 19 01:33:12 UTC 2005

I have a Modest Proposal. Let's date everything from the foundation of New
York City as New Amsterdam, 380 years ago. Thus, this would  be the year
380 or 381 YONA (Year of New Amsterdam), and pre-foundation dates could be
counted as PNA (Pre=New Amsterdam). :)

On Wed, 18 May 2005, Poor, Edmund W wrote:

> Are we STILL discussing this?
> If mention of religion offends you, too bad. Mention of autofellatio
> offends me, but I'm not griping.
> If you THINK that use of AD/BC implies "endorsement of the truth of
> Christianity", then you're in a fantasy world. It's just a habit. Many
> retail stores gear up for the Christmas holidays and even derive a
> substantial fraction of their income from the Xmas season. Does this
> mean they ENDORSE Christianity? (Hint: they are just being pragmatic.)
> There are many calendars in use, throughout the English-speaking world.
> Even the ANTI-RELIGIOUS Soviet Union continued to use the same numbering
> system for years as the (Christian) West. Nobody EVER thought that this
> usage implied any endorsement (or even TOLERANCE) of religion on their
> part.
> This whole thing smacks of an "anti-religious agenda", rather than any
> sincere effort towards neutrality. When we couldn't agree on British vs.
> American spelling, we chose this solution:
> * Let each article use one consistent style throughout.
> * If I as an American want to write theater and center, I should NOT do
> so, if the article already uses theatre and centre.
> * Above all, nobody should systematically go through articles purging of
> the "hated style".
> Ever hear of live and let live? Sheesh!
> Uncle Ed
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