[WikiEN-l] Don't vote Gerard.

Sean Barrett sean at epoptic.org
Sun May 15 17:00:47 UTC 2005

John Bradley stated for the record:
> Hi I have been accused by David Gerard of being the number, for some  
> reason. This is more to do with Gerard continued harasment of me (User  
> Irate) and his need to appear to be protected you lot from things you do not  
> understand. Her is the news it is Gerard that does not understand anything  
> excpect manipulation. Vote any way you like but don't vote gerard. 

I state with great solemnity and no sarcasm whatsoever that your 
endorsement is quite influential.  I will certainly bear it in mind if 
Gerard ever appears in an election.  Thank you for publishing it -- your 
opinion of people is important to me.

I can only hope that one day you will endorse me with the same sort of 

  Sean Barrett     | I find television very educating. Every time
  sean at epoptic.com | somebody turns on the set, I go into the
                   | other room and read a book. --Groucho Marx

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