[WikiEN-l] Protoscience category

Haukur Þorgeirsson haukurth at hi.is
Wed Jun 29 13:26:59 UTC 2005

>I raise an objection: that's not what it's called in English (my overriding
>objection), and "pseudo-medicine" is an invented term hence original

Very well, you're probably right.

I think I've said my piece on this topic and I've
got a better idea of the various opinions of other
community members. It seems we have reached the typical
Wikipedian conclusion of calling a truce on a status
quo which is unacceptable to everyone :)

At any rate I will proceed with caution in any
changes I make to these articles and categories.

>The current article on [[Alternative medicine]] has suffered a bad case of
>Gohde and could do with a lot of cleaning up, but the Category links to
>Pseudoscience and Protoscience get the point across IMO (having as it does

Currently the Protoscience category includes such
topics as String theory and Quantum gravity as well
as Phrenology (old debunked non-sense) and Biorythm
(recent debunked non-sense). To me it does not seem
that these things have enough in common to be usefully
included in the same category.


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