[WikiEN-l] Arbitration Commitee Seeking Comment

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 7 04:13:09 UTC 2005

--- Erik Moeller <erik_moeller at gmx.de> wrote:
> I will state here for the record that I'm strongly opposed to any 
> content arbitration committee. Decisions like this should be made by the 
> community, not by elected or appointed representatives. The solution to 
> dealing with prolonged disputes is to establish clear community 
> procedures to make decisions, such as binding votes under clear 
> conditions (e.g. a discussion has been going on for X weeks, all 
> arguments have been summarized, all options of the vote have been agreed 
> upon in consensus ..). Wikipedia does not need an editorial staff.

The ArbCom already tries to enforce our content-related policies. What I'd like
to do is have subject-area subcommittees to consult when alleged violations of
our content-related polices like NPOV or NOR come before us (the ArbCom). As it
is, only the most blatant POV and original research-pushing people are
sanctioned due to the simple fact that the ArbCom does not know everything
about everything and thus can't spot more subtle violations of our
content-related polices. We have tried, but this results in cases that take
months and inadequate remedies.

Here is my proposal: 


-- mav


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