[WikiEN-l] NPOV: Fetus personhood

Fastfission fastfission at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 17:45:13 UTC 2005

"Life" in this context can be easily (or purposefully) to be
interpretted as something other than "biological life". To say that a
fetus is "a human life" is not the same thing for most people as
saying, "a fetus is made of living human cells." The latter is NPOV,
the former represents a specific POV ("a fetus is a person") and needs
to be *attributed* as such. If you mean it only in the strict
biological definition of life (one which does not conform necessarily
to legal, ethical, or intuitive definitions of "a human life"), it
needs to be carefully worded to reflect that, because "a human life"
is generally interpretted to mean something else.


On 7/27/05, steve v <vertigosteve at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Now for a *real* NPOV tickler:
> User:Meelar and I are having a friendly dispute over
> how NPOV should be interpreted for the issue of "Fetus
> personhood" (no article yet), beginning on the talk
> pages of Talk:Pro-life and continuing at
> Talk:Reproductive rights. (Sorry no links -- FFox
> users can just selectlinks> rightclick> search - I
> love how google finds WP:WP links easy these days too
> :))
> Question: Is it POV to say that a fetus is a "human
> life," and by terminology, thus entitled to universal
> "human rights" and societal "personhood" status?
> I say its not, while Meelar feels that because
> pro-choice advocates have disputed the human status of
> a fetus, its therefore POV to say a human fetus is
> human. This may be a simplistic reference of his NPOV
> interpretation, (more on the talk pages) but my
> general point is that just because PC says "its not
> so" doesnt mean "its not so" just as with the FES
> claim of the earth being "flat." AIUI PC has largely
> avoided "human rights" for fetuses, by simply claiming
> they arent human, or bypassing the question through
> lesser "social rights" issues such as privacy. There
> is no "human right" to kill another human being.
> SV
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