[WikiEN-l] NPOV: Fetus personhood

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 28 03:27:36 UTC 2005

--- steve v <vertigosteve at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Question: Is it POV to say that a fetus is a "human
> life," and by terminology, thus entitled to universal
> "human rights" and societal "personhood" status?

Yes it is since the term is loaded, not unlike 'partial-birth abortion' vs
'intact dilation and extraction' or using the term 'unborn baby' instead of
fetus/embryo/zygote.  The reason; the non-medical terms were designed to confer
a value judgment. 

'Human life' is also an odd term to use in this context since any cell from a
human is by definition human life. 'Independent human life' is another thing
altogether but in terms of gestation, would only include a viable fetus. 

-- mav

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