[WikiEN-l] Example vs. Original research

Fred Bauder fredbaud at ctelco.net
Sat Jul 23 13:40:39 UTC 2005

It depends. I used a different set of things in an example of a set,  
than was used in the example in the text I was working from. This  
seems rather trivial. Obviously one could use Stalin as an example of  
a totalitarian ruler, but that could be sourced. I suppose a  
problematic example could be found on the borderland and discussed,  
but I think it is best to solve the problem when it arises rather  
than to make policy based on hypothetical examples. Perhaps this is  
just my common law heritage speaking here...


On Jul 23, 2005, at 4:25 AM, <disclist at dapyx-soft.com> wrote:

> What is the border between an example and an original theory?
> There's an user that argues that examples are original research,  
> because
> they don't have a source, although they support a sourced theory.  
> (this is
> specifically about languages, grammar, etc)
> I think we should have something on original research policy  
> related to this.
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