[WikiEN-l] www.wikipedia.org no longer redirects to the en main page

Mark Pellegrini mapellegrini at comcast.net
Sat Jan 8 06:42:31 UTC 2005

I'd like to start out by noting that www.wikipedia.org no longer redirects
to the english
wikipedia's main page. Instead, it's been turned into a replica of the
language template.
Deeper links ( www.wikipedia.org/wiki/name_of_article ) still work, but the
main page
does not.

First of all, this is a MAJOR, MAJOR change and was totally unannounced. Nor
did anyone in the community get a chance to object before it was put into
(Because I suspect there would have been a major outcry)

Second of all, I cannot fathom why the this was changed. By now, there's a
inertia behind the fact that www.wikipeda.org links to the english main
This is going to break *MANY* links, bookmarks, etc. We (the english
Wikipedia) are
goings to lose significant number of potential contributors because of this.

Why the hell was this changed? Why was no one told before hand, or even


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