[WikiEN-l] Ads on Wikipedia?

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Sat Dec 31 22:23:22 UTC 2005

Steve Bennett wrote:

>Personally I find wikipedia 'strange' in not having ads. I'm not sure I
>can think of any other site on the web with a similar popularity without
>ads. Even microsoft.com has ads for Microsoft products. All newspaper
>sites do, slashdot does etc etc. So the precedent is certainly there.
Wikipedia is *supposed* to be strange compared to the rest, though.  In 
addition to being strange in having no ads, we're also strange in 
licensing our content under the GFDL, rather than the more standard "All 
Rights Reserved" that Microsoft, Slashdot, CNN, et al use.

In any case, Jimbo already explicitly promised that there will never be 
ads on Wikipedia as long as he has a say in it, so I don't see why this 
is an issue.


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