[WikiEN-l] Verifiability

Matt Brown morven at gmail.com
Sat Dec 17 22:14:39 UTC 2005

On 12/17/05, David Gerard <fun at thingy.apana.org.au> wrote:
> Heh. I have started in a slow way tightening up some of our ridiculously
> bloated, opaquely-written and special-case-riddled guideline and policy
> pages; I look forward to the time to really go the hack on the MoS. I
> think it could be one-third the length without losing a single useful
> detail. Heck, someone might even want to read it for reasons other than
> querulousness.

I believe way too much of our policy and guidelines is made up of
rules devised for problematic cases.  "Bad cases make bad law," it is
said, and our rules are made up that way a bit more than I like.


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