[WikiEN-l] more Kennedy assassination fun

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sat Dec 17 09:26:00 UTC 2005

Abigail Brady wrote:

>Someone has made this article
>Some choice quotes from this :
>"The two persons at the top of the list of suspects have always been
>Fidel Castro and President Lyndon B. Johnson. " and "There are even a
>few people who believe that Lee Harvey Oswald had something to do with
>It then gives a big list of names, including J. Edgar Hoover,
>I think the article should be speedily deleted, and the author banned
>for being clearly insane.  However, I'm not sure whether present
>policy would allow me to unilaterally do that - and I'm pretty sure
>I'd get a lot of hassle out of doing that.  So I'm bringing this to
>your attention.
>We need to be able to summarily ban crazies.
If this only named one or two people I would agree, but this lists such 
an incrdible array of people thast it ends up illustrating how silly 
conspiracy theories can get.


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