[WikiEN-l] SPOV threatens NPOV

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Fri Dec 16 20:37:19 UTC 2005

Ray Saintonge wrote:

> I agree, and many of the mainstream scientists who are quick to attach
> the "pseudoscience" label have likely done little or no study of the
> field that they want to label.  In doing so they are themselves acting
> pseudoscientifically.

When a field of study is clearly grossly defective as science but still
insists it's a science, it's pretty obvious. (In the case of intelligent
design, the smoking-gun documents showing it was invented as a
creationist stalking horse have reached the public eye and are
referenceable.) A scientist doesn't have to become an expert in
aetherometry to call it pseudoscience any more than you have to become a
heroin addict to say that being so is probably a bad thing.

> Is medicine anything other than a branch of science?  "Unorthodox
> science" anybody?

It's bodily tech support that tries to be supported by science. c.f.
[[Evidence-based medicine]].

- d.

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