[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia on PDAs (was J2ME Client for Wikipedia)

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Sun Dec 4 01:03:50 UTC 2005

Carl Witty wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-11-27 at 02:39 -0500, S. Woodside wrote:

>>Wikipedia actually displays pretty well in mobile browsers.

> Well, some mobile browsers, perhaps...it's quite broken on my Treo 650
> (the entire article text is rendered one-character-per-line, 
>   l
>   i
>   k
>   e

Palm browsers are notoriously shit and almost not worth bothering with.
The browser in User:Redcountess' Zire 72s (PalmOS 5.2.8 with Novarra Web
Pro 3.5) does okay on en: Wikipedia (I even posted to the sandbox with
it!), but the one on User:Arkady Rose's Tungsten C (PalmOS 5.2.1 with
PalmSource Web Browser 2.0) - which would otherwise be *ideal* for
Wikipedia, given it's got inbuilt wifi and is basically a handheld
wardriving appliance ;-) - looks like utterly misrendered dogshit.

The Treo 650 runs PalmOS 5.4.x - what browser and version does it include?

The only problem with Web Pro 3.5 is that it doesn't do UTF-8 characters
at all, so it's only really usable on a language that works in 7-bit
(such as en:). Otherwise it was great. I know you can buy 3.0 or 3.5 as
an upgrade for the Tungsten C, so you might be able to get something
less shit for the Treo.

I'm currently writing [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia on PDAs]], and will be
uploading photos demonstrating the above in a while. Others are heartily
encouraged to add their own experiences and photos.

[cc: to wikien-l - please add your own!]

- d.

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