[WikiEN-l] I better shut up (was vfd RFC)

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Thu Aug 4 01:22:14 UTC 2005

David Gerard wrote:

>I'm not sure the current operation of VFD could fairly have been predicted
>early enough to strangle it at birth. We need a deletion mechanism, but not
>this one.
It seemed to work well enough for the 8-10 months I was actively 
involved in voting/discussing/closing entries there.  There were still 
complaints, but mostly from "inclusionists" who disliked it simply 
because it was a venue for deleting articles.

Is it significantly worse now, or just scales badly, or have the 
inclusionists simply gotten louder voices?  I must confess I haven't 
messed with it in 6 months or so just because I lost interest in most 
meta-pages and went back to writing articles. =]


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