[WikiEN-l] Links to porn sites

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Mon Apr 18 16:23:37 UTC 2005

Fred Bauder (fredbaud at ctelco.net) [050419 02:18]:

> I looked at one, the Mary Carey site. It is a commercial web site for sale
> of her wares, such as they are. I think she can buy advertising for that
> purpose and ought not to depend on an encyclopedia article. She is a notable
> figure, but links might be more appropriately to reports of her notable
> political activities such as running for governor of California rather than
> to her store. It's easy enough to google for it anyway.

Why remove this commercial page in particular, rather than any other
company page on Wikipedia? That is, this doesn't seem to be the criterion
commercial links are added or removed on for other articles, so this seems
a novel policy.

- d.

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