[WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture

Rebecca misfitgirl at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 12:25:16 UTC 2005

I really think this comes down to an issue of accessibility. If we're
aiming to build a large, open and accessible encyclopedia, then I
don't think it helps that cause to effectively limit its readership to
the most extremely liberal people on the planet - which rules out a
vast amount of our potential readers and contributors. By definition,
it particularly rules out a rather large proportion of people in
non-Western countries, which can't be good for our content.

I'm really tired of feeling like a conservative on Wikipedia.
Somewhere, it seems we lost a bit of basic common sense. If there's a
good reason an image is likely to offend people (and there's
justification for it being there it all), then make people use a
second click to access the image. In that instance, no information is
lost, it's still just as accessible, and the amount of people likely
to be offended/not use Wikipedia drops markedly.

-- ambi

On 4/15/05, Zach Alexander <zdalexander at gmail.com> wrote:
> Faraaz Damji wrote:
> > No, Wikipedia will never be completely safeguarded, just like it will
> > never be completely finished.  But if we use a keyword system (either
> > instead of or complementary to a rating scheme), then images can have
> > metadata that users can filter out.  So if people are offended by
> > images
> > of women's face, then they can block "girls, women, etc."
> >
> > The best thing about this is that it won't interfere with normal users,
> > since people will have to opt IN to it.
> Exactly, this is the way to go. I just wrote pretty much the same thing
> in another email.
> Zach
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