[WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture

Tony Sidaway minorityreport at bluebottle.com
Thu Apr 14 22:55:28 UTC 2005

Sean Barrett said:
>> >>>> Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darueber muss man schweigen.
>> >>>
>> To quote Bob Hope and Lucy Ricardo, "I may be dumb, but translate
>> chum.   In English Please Sen~or."  Thank you.
> Cut'n'paste from Google language tools:
> "About which one cannot speak, over it one must be silent."

Roughly correct.  "Whereof we cannot speak, we must forever remain silent."

I felt that it was an apt encapsulation of the dilemma faced by a man who
has opinions on subjects whose names he cannot bring himself even to type.

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