[WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture

Christiaan Briggs christiaan at last-straw.net
Thu Apr 14 08:14:54 UTC 2005

Bah, Kevin's just trying to stir up trouble.


On 14 Apr 2005, at 8:09 am, Tony Sidaway wrote:

> Chad Perrin said:
>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 04:29:30PM +0100, Tony Sidaway wrote:
>>> I take that very seriously.  It's an extremely damaging accusation, 
>>> and if Kevin has evidence to support it he should make it public.  
>>> If he doesn't well we'll know he's just hand-waving, indulging in 
>>> attempt to denigrate those who have uploaded images involving 
>>> nudity.
>> Whatever happened to an assumption of good faith?
> Quite.
>> You're assuming bad faith on the part of KR here.
> Absolutely not.  He specifically said that he "recognized" that people 
> were doing something with the deliberate intention of breaching 
> policy.  I see no room for misinterpretation.   Having no evidence to 
> show, it seems to me that the assumption of bad faith , and a massive, 
> obvious one at that, is on his part.  I'm revolted by this.  I see no 
> apology.  I see no withdrawal, only weaseling and wriggling.  A 
> disgusting accusstion, disgusting behavior in continuing with it.  He 
> has now confirmed his accusation of bad faith against a specific, 
> named editor.

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