[WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture

Christopher Larberg christopherlarberg at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 03:25:56 UTC 2005

On 4/13/05, Sean Barrett <sean at epoptic.org> wrote:
> Corporate policy prohibits all images of nudity, out of fear of sexual
> harassment lawsuits.  Repeat offenses result in termination.  I love
> Wikipedia, but I'm not going to lose my job because the Wikipedia
> community feels it necessary to show bare boobies.

Sean brings up a good point here. As long as Mediawiki is without a
content filtering system, the possibility of problems arising from
images or other content exists. It's quite plausible that someone
could, say, lose his or her job because of viewing a Wikipedia article
and then sue the Foundation for damages, asserting that the Foundation
did not give fair warning about such content. We do have a disclaimer,
but that may not be sufficient, especially since it's linked at the
bottoms of articles.

--Slowking Man

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