[WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture

Rick giantsrick13 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 13 22:41:14 UTC 2005

--- Kevin Rector <krector at Compco.com> wrote:

> > Maybe you'd be more comfortable at something like
> > yahooligans.
> Ah Rick, that was such a clever and subtle insult.
> If I called you out
> for being a jerk you'll say something like, "well
> you don't want to see
> boobs and they don't have any at Yahooligans". So
> you can hint that
> perhaps I'm just being childish without actually
> saying it. That was
> very clever indeed.
> -Kevin

Well, gee, Kevin, when you try to equate everybody who
disagrees with you on this subject with pornographers,
how else am I supposed to interpret your age level and
the age level of your interests?  Showing one breast
is pornography?  Not a very mature outlook on the
world at large, on art, or on the history of
illustration, is it?


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