[WikiEN-l] Re: Reliable, selectable content

Kevin Rector krector at Compco.com
Fri Apr 8 13:33:01 UTC 2005

>Whatever happens, it'll be a horrible shitfight trying to cut the
>sprawl of en: Wikipedia down to a single concise volume. Say, fifty
>thousand articles. WHICH FIFTY THOUSAND?

>1. Whole areas will be cut out.
>2. Areas we're particularly good in will get cut *way* back.
>3. Endless, fractious and bloody wars over what gets in and what

>Is there a way around this which doesn't require someone making the
>decision and choosing between pissing off half the community and
>off half the community?

There is a very easy way around this, just don't do it. I won't be
participating in a paper Wikipedia in any way whatsoever.

-Kevin Rector

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