[WikiEN-l] Re: April 1st 2006, IRC, the mailing list, and the Cabal

Joseph Reagle joseph.nyu at reagle.org
Mon Apr 4 19:25:36 UTC 2005

On Monday 04 April 2005 07:42, David Gerard wrote:
> > Analysed at that level, the promotional statement is already untrue.
> > Blocked users and users of blocked IP addresses cannot edit. At a more
> > extreme level, those with no access to the Internet cannot edit. In my
> > opinion, preventing anonymous edits makes the project no less open as
> > long as registration is unrestricted.
> This one comes up again and again, and the consensus has always been
> "nope, anon edits will continue thanks."

I'm curious, do you have a pointer to this consensus? (Because of [1].)

[1] http://reagle.org/joseph/blog/culture/lost-minority

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