[WikiEN-l] Final April Fools wrap up

Alphax alphasigmax at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 08:54:54 UTC 2005

Delirium wrote:

> The Cunctator wrote:
>> I think this April Fool's Day was a great success. It was also 
>> successful in
>> reminding us which of the admins are the humorless autocratic control
>> freaks.
>> Remember, kiddies: just because someone's enjoying doing something 
>> you don't
>> enjoy doing, it doesn't mean that's wrong.
> It's possible some of us just didn't find the jokes funny. =]
> April Fool's Day seems to be the day of the year when all the really 
> lame jokes crawl out of the woodwork... just take a look at the 
> trainwreck that was Slashdot's frontpage for a representative example...
> -Mark
I saw that trainwreck. What a terrible waste of bandwidth *sob*, It 
could have done so many things, like power Wikipedia...

There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' - C. S. Lewis

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