[WikiEN-l] Re: Final April Fools wrap up

Tim Starling t.starling at physics.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Apr 4 04:20:48 UTC 2005

The Cunctator wrote:
> I think this April Fool's Day was a great success. It was also successful in
> reminding us which of the admins are the humorless autocratic control
> freaks. 
> Remember, kiddies: just because someone's enjoying doing something you don't
> enjoy doing, it doesn't mean that's wrong.

April Fools Day is that one day of the year when everyone can get up and
*try* to make a joke, even if they don't have a sense of humour. It's a
wonderful, participatory event. Joke templates are available at help
desks around the country. If you prefer, you can enhance someone else's
joke by adding something silly to it. It's a simple method but it always

-- Tim Starling

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