[WikiEN-l] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VfD is broken

Chris Wood standsongrace at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 11 23:50:24 UTC 2004

It hasn't been much publicized yet. The previous version (which redirects to
Wikipedia:Importance) was listed at Wikipedia:Requests for comment -
Wikipedia:Importance is itself listed there now.

You don't have to abide by it. However, as far as policy goes, it doesn't
add much, rather it clarifies existing policies.

> Where has it been publicized that this article exists, and that it
requests open discussion?  And how can you say that we have to abide by it,
if it's not yet policy?
> RickK
> Chris Wood <standsongrace at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > How did something which was only first created on August 26 suddenly
> become policy without a vote or an open discussion?
> It's a proposed policy, and it requests open discussion.

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