[WikiEN-l] Moderators? (was Re: Opinion of the many?)

Tim Starling t.starling at physics.unimelb.edu.au
Tue Nov 30 13:38:29 UTC 2004

Sheldon Rampton wrote:
> Can someone please ban the trolls? Please? I've got better things to do 
> with my time than read R.E. Broadley's attempts to needle RickK or the 
> rantings of some "iridologist" with a personality problem.

Seconded, I said after his first post that I'd be happy having him off 
the list. This is meant to be a moderated list, are any of the 
moderators paying attention? I'd rather a moderator deal with this, but 
if they're not around, I'll do it.

-- Tim Starling

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