[WikiEN-l] Survey of why wikipedians edit

John Lee johnleemk at gawab.com
Thu Nov 25 14:57:46 UTC 2004

John Collison wrote:

> <snip>
> Q1: How long have you been editing wikipedia?
> A:

Since September 2003.

> Q2: How many hours per week do you spend on wikipedia?
> A:

Let's see...during my school holidays, I spend about 8 to 14 hours 
online; during ordinary days, I guess it's about eight hours. Of my 
online time, I'd say about 60% is devoted to Wikipedia.

> Q3: Do you write professionally?
> A:

No, but that sounds like fun.

> Q4: What is your current employement?
> A:


> Q5: Why do you work on wikipedia for nothing when you could be paid to 
> write elsewhere?
> A:

For the fun of it.

> Q6: If people were paid to work on Wikipedia, would you stay or would 
> you devote your time to something else?
> A:

Why wouldn't I stay?

> Q7: Do you think people should be paid to work on wikipedia?
> A:

Well, we can all dream, but...no. At least not till Bill Gates starts 
financing the Wikimedia Foundation.

> Q8: Do you think developers should be paid?
> A:

See above.

> Q9: Do you think reward schemes and competitions (like Danny's 
> contest) on a small scale to get people to write more, better etc. 
> should be used on wikipedia?
> A:

Hell yes.

> Note: You can answer yes to as many of the following questions as you 
> like.
> Q10: Do you work on wikipedia for the enjoyement of seeing your work 
> online?
> A:


> Q11: Do you work on wikipedia for the satisfaction that you have 
> created something good and it can be used by others?
> A:


> Q12:Do you work on wikipedia because it you enjoy interacting with 
> others?
> A:

If you mean interacting in general, no. If you mean interacting as in 
interacting online, to a certain extent, yes.

> Q13: Do you edit wikipedia for any reasons other than the ones 
> mentioned above also?
> A:

I just find writing fun.

> Thanks for your time.
> John Collison
> (Ludraman)
John Lee

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