[WikiEN-l] About the reliability of the Wikipedia process andcontent

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Wed Nov 17 12:30:09 UTC 2004

Zoney wrote

>I feel there
> are many ways that content can be kept more organised / reviewed, and
> there's ample prospects of getting past any problems we have. But they
> shouldn't be ignored.

Well, sure, on the points you raise, piecemeal addition causes a need for
'master edits'/refactoring. General growth means main articles have to spin
out subarticles. 'Be bold' is still in force, though, and people with the
basic editing chops should edit where they see the need.

 This is not so much about reliability as continued 'activism' and the
motivations to do more than just nibble at the edges.


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