[WikiEN-l] Re: About the reliability of the Wikipedia process and content

Michael Snow wikipedia at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 17 05:53:17 UTC 2004

Charles Matthews wrote:

>Fred Bauder wrote
>>The problem is that it is not reasonable to trust academics as any
>>thoughtful and observant person who attended an institution of higher
>>learning knows. Most academics have some axe to grind.
>Correct as far as it goes.  But more to the point is that until WP editing
>looks good on a CV, no academic worth having will give it the attention.
Actually, I don't think the tipping point will be when someone can claim 
Wikipedia work among their academic publications. Rather, people will 
pay attention when they find information being disseminated from 
Wikipedia that they disagree with. Academics will go to considerable 
lengths to refute what they consider misinformation when it is 
propagated in the forums they respect - just grab a few academic 
journals and scan through the letters to the editor.

--Michael Snow

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