[WikiEN-l] About the reliability of the Wikipedia process and content

Shane King wikipedia at dontletsstart.com
Wed Nov 17 00:46:31 UTC 2004

On Tue, Nov 16, 2004 at 04:38:40PM -0800, Daniel Mayer wrote:
> --- Mark Richards <marich712000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > What makes you think either that the current system is
> > creating mediocrity, or that the proposed review board
> > would be better? It seems that what is being proposed
> > is removing the value added of an open content
> > encyclopedia, and would be damaging for that reason.
> One thing the current EB FUD was right about is that sometimes good articles
> are edited into becoming worse articles. 

If you accept that conclusion, then you must also accept the conclusion
than any changes a review board makes to an article could also make the
article worse.

I'm not saying that they will or wont, I think we can't know until it's
given a try. However, I don't think it's a given that a review board will at
worst maintain the status quo.


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