[WikiEN-l] URLS of Possible Interest

Geoffrey Burling llywrch at agora.rdrop.com
Mon Nov 15 23:35:02 UTC 2004

The following two links I have stumbled across in the last few days, oddly
enough, seem to have some relevance to a couple of topics discussed here
lately. I pass them along for consideration & discussion by the rest of

1. The NYT has been discussing the problems of using "unidentified sources"
& the effect it has on credibility. The memo at the link below reminded
me of the perenniel problem of quoting one's sources, & avoiding weasel
words of the form ``Some people believe"


2. Groklaw has a review of the book _The Wisdom of Crowds_ by James Surowiecki,
wherein he argues that when used intelligently a group of more-or-less average
people can produce more accurate results than a team of experts -- much like
a Wiki



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