[WikiEN-l] Troll?

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sat Nov 13 18:31:48 UTC 2004

sockmonk at gmail.com wrote:

>Yes, in internet usage, a "troll" is usually someone who posts
>"flamebait" to a discussion. That is, they will state something that
>is highly controversial in order to elicit a strong reaction to it,
>typically a reaction against it. They are (usually) disliked because
>they are seen as just stirring up arguments for the sake of stirring
>up arguments. Occasionally, the troll might just be trying to get
>someone else's hidden opinion out into the open.
This is more in line with how I understand the term in an internet 
context.  It allows for the fact that not all trolling is evil.


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