[WikiEN-l] AC with a small quorum and IRC meetings

KNOTT, T tknott at qcl.org.uk
Tue Nov 9 09:49:19 UTC 2004

>The first and most important measure to improve the speed of the AC is
>to reduce the necessary quorum to three members. Decisions are made by
>simple majority. Any member of the arbitration committee may request a 
>review of such decisions by the full committee.


>Under this proposal, the size of the arbitration committee can expand
>meet the ever-increasing demands placed on them. Preliminary judgements

>leading to blocking pending a full review should be possible within 
>minutes of a request.

That's very sensible. The slowness of the AC is it's main failing at the
moment. If we can speed it up to the speed with which Jimbo used to take
decisions, pretty much all the current problems will be solved.  ~~~~

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