[WikiEN-l] Re: was: Reithy; now: POV warriors generally

phil hunt zen19725 at zen.co.uk
Mon Nov 8 00:01:57 UTC 2004

On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 07:43:45 -0800, Jimmy (Jimbo) Wales <jwales at wikia.com> wrote:
>I don't have an exact solution for the goatse.cx case, though I think
>the answer probably needs to be softer than "protect the article" when
>the subject is both popular and rapidly changing.  I advocate the
>development of some sort of "delayed publish" mechanism whereby edits
>don't appear on the main url until some time has passed. 

That sounds a damn good idea.

"It's easier to find people online who openly support the KKK than 
people who openly support the RIAA" -- comment on Wikipedia
(Email: zen19725 at zen dot co dot uk)  

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