[WikiEN-l] Re: The WP project, was Re: Re: Solving the US-centrism problem

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Sun Nov 7 16:12:14 UTC 2004

phil hunt wrote

>Charles Matthews wrote

> >- the best interwiki solution ever
> What does this mean? I.e. what's an "interwiki solution"?
> Perhaps more to the point, what's the "interwiki problem"?

See http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?InterWiki.  Some of us on the list
tend to use Meatball-style jargon.

That was just one bullet point.  What I meant was that the current style of
interwiki links between Wikipedias in different languages is clearly
practical and works.  It operates without any fuss about the name spaces.  I
would guess that the number of links it has created runs into the hundreds
of thousands.


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