[WikiEN-l] Re: Wikinews II

phil hunt zen19725 at zen.co.uk
Sun Nov 7 15:26:34 UTC 2004

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 02:27:38 -0800 (PST), Anthere 
<anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>For this reason, and after several discussions here
>and there, given the controversial nature of the
>project and its likelyhood to get in the sunlights of
>media immediately upon its creation (contrarywise to
>wikipedia, which had time to polish before it become
>known), I would suggest that we try to contact some
>interested journalists and possibly have them join a
>sort of advisory board. What do you think ?

Sounds sensible to me.

"It's easier to find people online who openly support the KKK than 
people who openly support the RIAA" -- comment on Wikipedia
(Email: zen19725 at zen dot co dot uk)  

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