[WikiEN-l] Re: Proposal: make user pages uneditable

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 5 00:28:45 UTC 2004

Rick a écrit:
> Do you people not understand how much disgusting (pornographic, name-calling)

vandalism goes on on User pages?  It's one of the main reasons for 
blocking anons.

The Talk page is for editing.

The User page is for a person's philosophy, who they are, what they are.

Why do you feel the need to do that?

What's wrong with just editing the Talk page and leaving the User page 


I have a slightly different perspective of what a user page is (but I 
agree your perpective is the most common one).

"The User page is for a person's philosophy, who they are, what they are. "

This is true.
But to be most relevant, "who I am" or "what I am" is something best 
described by several points of view. Not only mine.

I can describe what I think I am. You can describe what you think I am, 
or what you think I think I am. I do not exist only through my 
perception, but through what all you perceive of me.

So, this is fine that you write on my user page, as long as it is only 
about me. The user page is not MY page, it is a page about ME :-)

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