[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia QC (and lack thereof)

Viajero viajero at quilombo.nl
Mon Jun 21 09:42:58 UTC 2004

In the course of categorizing articles on pianists over the weekend, I came upon a large amount of highly POV material inserted across some thirty articles which appears to have been added by a user named Pgeffen in January. Worse, this material appears to a copyright violation; according to a message posted on his Talk page by user Mandel a month ago,  it was lifted from the book "Classical Music" (ed. Alexander Morin) (alas, Mandel did not follow up on his copyvio warning). I have listed the relevant articles on the new [[Wikipedia:Help wanted]], which Danny created in response to a conversation on IRC we had about the situation. This affair IMO is a major lapse in quality control, and is symptomatic of our pursuit of quantity over quality. To use a phrase of Karl Marx from a different context, we are clearly in the phase of  "primitive accumulation", with all its attendant ills.


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