[WikiEN-l] Why log page views?

Mark Richards marich712000 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 17 02:21:30 UTC 2004

Why do we keep logs of page views by IP address at

--- Angela <beesley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Mark Richards wrote:
> > Angela - can you explain / point to where this is
> > explained? Having this information more readily
> > available seems a lot more sinister.
> > Mark
> The only information on it that I am aware of is
> what is written in
> the draft privacy policy. See
> This example of what is logged shows a user's IP,
> user-agent, the page
> they viewed and the time they did it:
>  12.345.67.890 - - [16/Jun/2004:07:10:19 +0000]
>  "GET /wiki/draft_privacy_policy HTTP/1.1" 200 18084
>  "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us)
> AppleWebKit/85.7
> (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/85.5"
> These are available to the people listed on
> http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developer with at
> least shell access.
> The logs are not kept permanently (about two weeks
> according to the
> draft policy).
> Angela.
> > 
> > --- Angela <beesley at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Daniel Mayer wrote:
> > > > >Speaking of which, it would be nice for
> stewards
> > > to have the ability to check
> > > > >those logs in these cases. Our developers
> seem to
> > > be overworked as it is.
> > > > >-- mav
> > >
> > > If a new system is implemented whereby IPs are
> > > stored in the database
> > > and not just in the log files, I would have no
> > > objection to stewards
> > > having access to these. However, until then, I
> do
> > > not support stewards
> > > being given access to the same logs that the
> > > developers currently have
> > > to check for IPs. Firstly, it would be largely a
> > > waste of time as they
> > > are too large to search through efficiently, and
> > > secondly, they
> > > include details of not only page saves, but also
> > > page views. This
> > > would be too much of a privacy violation if
> stewards
> > > had that sort of
> > > information.
> > >
> > > Angela.
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