[WikiEN-l] IP lookups for stewards

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 16 04:48:38 UTC 2004

--- Angela <beesley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Daniel Mayer wrote: 
> > >Speaking of which, it would be nice for stewards to have the ability to
> check
> > >those logs in these cases. Our developers seem to be overworked as it is.
> > >-- mav
> If a new system is implemented whereby IPs are stored in the database
> and not just in the log files, I would have no objection to stewards
> having access to these. However, until then, I do not support stewards
> being given access to the same logs that the developers currently have
> to check for IPs. Firstly, it would be largely a waste of time as they
> are too large to search through efficiently, and secondly, they
> include details of not only page saves, but also page views. This
> would be too much of a privacy violation if stewards had that sort of
> information.

Goodness no - I wasn't thinking about giving stewards the key to the castle -
(they would probably get lost and break the fine china). Just a viewing room
(which I hope some developer will build for us -- which reminds me of my tip
jar idea and Erik's software bounty concept...). 

-- mav

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