[WikiEN-l] Legal threats as grounds for automatic termination

Mark Pellegrini mapellegrini at comcast.net
Tue Jun 15 08:29:51 UTC 2004

I don't know if many of you are aware, but last week we had a user in here
ix_F._Bruyns) who was on a personal crusade to make wikipedia 'family
friendly' - IE, by censoring our articles. Needless to say, it didn't go
over very well. Long story short, he ended up threatening to sue several
contributors -

I started digging through our policies, and found this dusty relic:

At this point, it's only a proposal. Also, it doesn't actually *do*
anything. I'd like to suggest adopting a terminate-on-site rule -- you make
a legal threat, and you're automatically banned. I'd like to know what
others here think.


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