[WikiEN-l] Re: A first encounter with Categories

Viajero viajero at quilombo.nl
Tue Jun 8 14:03:20 UTC 2004

On 06/08/04  at 03:22 AM, Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> said:

> Proper meta tagging will allow our content to be neatly organised and 
> easy to search. Proper meta tagging implies neat categories, which may 
> be crossed by other neat categories. Internet is a huge mess of data, 
> most of them are very poorly referenced. We'll become a serious 
> reference if our content is cleanly tagged, hence searchable with 
> complex queries.

Very well stated.

> [[list of museums in Australia with a chinese flag hanging above the 
> entrance door]] is of no use.

> Search "[[museum]]" where "[[country]] is 'australia'" and "[[topic]] is
>  'China'" is useful.

> To be useful, meta-tags must be large rather than very specific. Query 
> gives the specificity.

My intuition as well. Since we also have full-text searching, one can easily search for "museum" "Australia" "chinese flag" or any such narrow target.


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