[WikiEN-l] "The Register" is making fun of us

Sj 2.718281828 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 16:13:02 UTC 2004

> Anyone care to form or join a Public Relations committee? First order of business 
> would be to send an apology to The Register and assure them that the "wankers" 
> who flamed them were not speaking officially for our project. We might also ask 
> for suggestions on improving our article about their newspaper... 
> Ed Poor 
> Fiddler and Bureaucrat

Yes, please.  Coordinating responses to press about us is an excellent idea.  I
shuddered a bit myself when I saw those responses, and when I saw someone on
IRC (Raul?) write that they had sent a followup to the second Register
piece.  I'm
not sure we have anything to apologize for -- it isn't anyone's
responsibility to
control what kinds of letters Wikipedians write -- but we should send them a
properly respectful and thankful reply.  

After all, by publishing their initial article they fixed a glaring
POV and stylistic flaw
in an article about my favorite 20th century patent artist.


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