[WikiEN-l] Re: WHEELER's Anti-Semitism

James Rosenzweig jwrosenzweig at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 1 18:58:01 UTC 2004

   I understand and respect your position.  I think,
however, it is not sufficiently clear that Sl's post
here was the result of the four months of difficulty
many of us have had in working with WHEELER.  He has
made frequent Anti-Semitic remarks, as well as being
blatantly rude to a number of editors (questioning
their competence, their belief in God at one point,
etc.).  Suggesting a ban isn't in violation with
wikilove at this point, I think.  I, Kim Bruning, Sl,
Sam Spade, and numerous other editors have done our
best to encourage WHEELER to do good here, and have
attempted to correct him when he has abused our good
faith.  Enough is enough.  That's my opinion. 
Certainly a call for a ban here isn't going to get
results -- that's an AC measure.  But I think Sl is
posting here because those of us who have tried to
work with WHEELER are frustrated to the point of
giving up.  I hope you, Chris, will begin to work on
compromise and wikilove with WHEELER -- if you are
successful, you're a better man than I am.  And it may
be that you will discover that the quoted comment
isn't one misinterpretation by SL of a researched fact
of WHEELER's, but rather it is the tip of an iceberg
of bigotry and intolerance.  I wish you luck in your
work with him.

James R. (Jwrosenzweig)

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