[WikiEN-l] Unsolved Equation (was: Uncle Ed (was: Request for a ban))

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Wed Jan 21 15:09:37 UTC 2004

I'm not going to kill anyone -- neither literally nor 
figuratively, neither physically nor spiritually. That's why I 
got out of the army: I finally realized that I didn't want to 
eliminate my nation's enemies by taking their lives; rather I 
wanted to eliminate their enmity by improving their lives (as 
with education, etc.).

I don't believe in "tit for tat" retaliation, so one person 
saying something nasty doesn't give another the right to "get 
back at them" by also saying something nasty. WikiLove, which 
traces its heritage back to the Bible, suggests rather that "A 
soft answer turns away wrath".

(Recently I made the mistake of 'jokingly' insulting JTD, but to 
my dismay he took me seriously and I ended up by offending him. I 
really regret this.)

It will be better if Robert (RK) makes the effort to restrain 
himself from slapping people with the N-word; and it will also be 
better if others make the effort to avoid antagonizing Robert 
with personal remarks. 

I know it's hard to stick to the subject matter; so many times I 
think to myself, "What's wrong with these @#$% people? Can't they 
understand something so simple as A? How can they be so stupid as 
to persistently confuse B with C?" *sigh* If you only knew how 
many posts and/or edits I delete instead of sending...

Ed Poor, aka Unsolved Equation

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