[WikiEN-l] WikiLyrics

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Thu Jan 8 21:29:39 UTC 2004

> Though the RIAA is definitely
> tort-happy, I don't believe there have been any attempts to shut down
> online lyrics websites

Incorrect. The best lyrics archive of all time was lyrics.sh, and it was  
shut down via court order by the Swiss RIAA equivalent. I think they  
reached a settlement of some kind, but the site that is now in its place  
is a spam-infested craphole. Everything2.com, which is a bit like a wiki,  
has recently started to enforce strict copyright rules on material such as  

There are lots of ad-infested lyrics archives on the net, but it seems  
like the good ones always get shut down sooner or later. If you want to  
deal with legal threats, then go ahead and set up a lyrics wiki. Nowadays  
when I search for lyrics, I just google for a phrase from the song which I  
can identify (remember to put the phrase in quotes), that usually does the  



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