[WikiEN-l] Trading with the Enemy

Delirium delirium at rufus.d2g.com
Sat Feb 28 22:01:33 UTC 2004

Jimmy Wales wrote:

>As for me personally, I intend to just plain and simple ignore this as
>bureaucratic fantasy.  I can't imagine this passing constitutional
>muster for even a second.  I defy the government to bring a case
>against me or any of you or the Wikimedia Foundation over this.
>They'll look like complete idiots and be laughed out of court.
I agree, we should just ignore it.  Even the NYTimes article says "in 
theory---and almost certainly only in theory", so this is unlikely to be 
prosecuted.  So while I admire people's willingness to offer themselves 
as test cases, I don't see it as very likely that you're going to 
convince the US government to sue you, so we might as well just ignore it.


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