[WikiEN-l] Re: Anent Dartmouth, Again

Jens Ropers ropers at ropersonline.com
Mon Aug 30 20:11:21 UTC 2004

(1) http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikien-l/2004-August/030163.html
(2) http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikien-l/2004-August/030167.html

(3) On 30 Aug 2004, at 17:38, Anthony DiPierro wrote:

> You said that [[Hanlon's razor]] applies.  "Never attribute to malice 
> that
> which can be adequetely explained by stupidity."  This is calling the
> professor stupid.
> Then you said the "next problem would be hubris."  Hubris is 
> arrogance.  So
> you called the professor arrogant too.
> Anthony

With reference to the above emails: You've got things mixed up there, 
I said "[[Hanlon's razor]] applies"  when talking about the Darthmouth 
affair and User:pcw. That was way back when. See this email:


I made the comment
 > However, I do feel that I did not lecture but plead and also feel that
 > I did not engage in hostile behaviour.
when the conversation had long since moved on and I was talking about 


I asked you to clarify who/what you were referring to. Accusing others 
publicly, not clarifying what the accusation refers to (even when 
expressly asked to do so) and sending others off on a search is bad 

I did not use the words "stupid" and "arrogant" when talking about 
User:pcw. I said what I said and I stand by it. I stated what I stated 
in a general fashion. Go re-read that email. (You will find that wasn't 
trying to draw through the mud anyone there. You will find that I was 
actually trying to put things in perspective and included the admission 
that we all are guilty of the same crimes.)

I would ask you to not send such emails to WP mailing lists in the 
If you still feel you have to, then please at least EXPLAIN what you're 
referring to. Especially when asked. Not doing so forces others to 
waste their precious time doing what you should have been doing to get 
your facts straight, and doing it just so they can defend themselves 
against criticism leveled at them.

-- Jens

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