[WikiEN-l] Toning down the personal remarks (was: Nationalist POV-pushing on Wikpedia: what to do?)

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Tue Aug 10 12:45:05 UTC 2004

Let's try to avoid personal remarks about other Wikipedians. It
distracts from the flow of the thread, which ideally should be about
ways to craft better articles:

* This particular list is infested with Americans

Excuse me? I'm not a bug! (I put bugs in the software I write, though

* hot-headed American

If I wear a hat outside, my scalp doesn't heat up so much; usually, I
stay inside and enjoy the air-conditioning.

* some rabid nationalist loony
* American loonies

Now, now. That's getting personal!

Uncle Ed

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